Meet 20 software engineer View everyone

ID 618850

Philippe Gratton

Software Engineer, Founder Dareeo, @fideli-t-marketing • Studied at @university-ecole-de-technologie-superieure

ID 787972

Charles Vinette

Currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree at UQAM in Computer Science and Software Engineering and looking for an internship to expand my knowledge!

ID 932514

Yohan Launay

I am settled in the Bay Area in the US, building cool stuff in car-sharing technologies with Local Motion. Also enjoys building mobile games on my spare time.

ID 638411

Alex Sintu

Co-founder of Uwana. Software Developer at Ericsson.

ID 206442

Emir Aydin

Software Engineer & Tech Entrepreneur

ID 759002

Nebez Briefkani

Software engineer, web developer; freelancer and startup enthusiast

ID 236126

Michael Lakhia

I build things. Currently @intel

ID 403607

Jason Lor

Toronto. San Francisco. Photographer, Designer, Engineer.

ID 282528

Ramin Hazegh

Founder & CTO @seamless-planet PhD Computer Aided Engineering

ID 881471

Adi Bar-Lev

Founder NexStop Studio • Worked at @formlabs, @samsung-electronics • Studied at @technion-israel

ID 611006

Alexandre Gervais

Hi!, I'm Alexandre Gervais, co-founder of Dareeo. Software engineer, eternal student and metalhead based in Montreal.

ID 881555

Martin Zhang

Avoda co-founder, Feedley co-founder Software Engineer, McGill

ID 905757

Michael Bernier

ID 583798

Richard Abrich

Founder Deep Diagnostics • Worked at @rbc-capital-markets, @toronto-general-hospital • Studied at @university-of-toronto

ID 624266

Rob Britton

Engineer @sweetiq

ID 630115

Gilles Yvetot

Junior Web Developer - Software Engineer who just want to work for the innovation!

ID 445346

Tyler Pachal

Computer Science student at Dalhousie University. Well rounded stack. Some side projects. Graduating in Spring 2015.

ID 280774

Brandon Chatreau

Formerly Cofounder @ Dashbook, mix of Software Dev and Biz Dev. I like to build great products and strong relationships...Lover of Tech, Hugs, and Rock & Roll

ID 689291

Kasra Zandi

PhD candidate in Computational biology - Data Scientist - Web Developer

ID 465235

Rakshit Majithiya


Just starting fresh.

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