Formerly Cofounder @ Dashbook, mix of Software Dev and Biz Dev. I like to build great products and strong relationships...Lover of Tech, Hugs, and Rock & Roll
Hi!, I'm Alexandre Gervais, co-founder of Dareeo. Software engineer, eternal student and metalhead based in Montreal.
Toronto. San Francisco. Photographer, Designer, Engineer.
Founder & CTO @seamless-planet
PhD Computer Aided Engineering
PhD candidate in Computational biology - Data Scientist - Web Developer
Avoda co-founder, Feedley co-founder
Software Engineer, McGill
Computer Science student at Dalhousie University. Well rounded stack. Some side projects. Graduating in Spring 2015.
Currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree at UQAM in Computer Science and Software Engineering and looking for an internship to expand my knowledge!
Engineer @sweetiq
Just starting fresh.
Co-founder of Uwana.
Software Developer at Ericsson.
Junior Web Developer - Software Engineer who just want to work for the innovation!
I build things. Currently @intel
Software Engineer & Tech Entrepreneur
Founder Deep Diagnostics • Worked at @rbc-capital-markets, @toronto-general-hospital • Studied at @university-of-toronto
Software Engineer, Founder Dareeo, @fideli-t-marketing • Studied at @university-ecole-de-technologie-superieure
I am settled in the Bay Area in the US, building cool stuff in car-sharing technologies with Local Motion. Also enjoys building mobile games on my spare time.
Founder NexStop Studio • Worked at @formlabs, @samsung-electronics • Studied at @technion-israel
Software engineer, web developer; freelancer and startup enthusiast