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ID 212415

Fabien Lafontaine

Founder Picmile

ID 932514

Yohan Launay

I am settled in the Bay Area in the US, building cool stuff in car-sharing technologies with Local Motion. Also enjoys building mobile games on my spare time.

ID 585775

Nicolas Lee

Creative entrepreneur and results-oriented technology leader with more than 15 years in online games and software development.

ID 61108

Delano Mandelbaum

CTO @ JBF Sports and creator of One-Time Secret. Previously ran a funded web monitoring company and exited with search company ApproxiMatch in 2007.

ID 833575

Sebastian Bulzak

Hands­-on CTO and startup team leader. Built innovative products from scratch to production. Stays on the cutting edge thru regular technology intelligence.

ID 681210

Jose Martinez

Founder @kosmo Studio

ID 1024831

Eric Walker

CTO of Flatbook, co-founded Navendis

ID 414329

Maxime Fafard

Software engineer Founded Meet R&D, a platform for researchers and students in R&D

ID 1044779

Michel Plante


Founded Versus in Montreal and sold to Fusepoint (Savvis, CenturyLink). Sucessfull in combining a software development team and managed hosted services company.

ID 86813

Joost Ouwerkerk

Founder and CTO @hopper • Worked at @expedia, @newtrade

ID 855364

André-Philippe Paquet


ID 97162

Mehdi Mehni

Growth Hacker & Viral User Acquisition Expert

ID 868414

Anthony Dahanne

Software engineer since 2005, passionate about software development and agility, co-founding

ID 782952

Scott Wilson

CTO @alayacare in Montreal

ID 686762

Jason Ernst

PhD ABD, Expert in Seamless Wireless Mesh Networks. First place in CODE 2014 Canada’s Largest Hackathon. 20+ publications. Founder @redtree-robotics

ID 889296

Martin Drapeau

ID 884140

Jade Tremblay

Founder and CTO Simple P

ID 881471

Adi Bar-Lev

Founder NexStop Studio • Worked at @formlabs, @samsung-electronics • Studied at @technion-israel

ID 1048792

Guillaume Boudreau

ID 166571

Mohannad El-Barachi

Entrepreneur. Technologist. Co-Founder & CEO @sweetiq.

ID 38484

Christian Lavoie (CTO & Cofounder). Sand Reckoning Consulting (Owner; Technical Due Diligence Expert, Startup Advisor). Google (2004-2010; Developer, SRE).

ID 90754

David Esteves

Co-Founder & CTO at WiCastr

ID 394029

Alexandre Leclair

CTO at @selective-few, Helped build @frank-oak back when we were only 8 people. Grew to 130 employees. 

ID 997520

Mathieu Nayrolles

Ph.D ECE @concordia-university-1   Author @packt-publishing-ltd , @Inkstall Lecturer @ecole-de-technologie-superieure

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