co-founder & CEO of mnubo, a real-time analytics SaaS for the Internet of Things.
Founding Partner at @pplconnect. Driven by positive social change through new technology and people who aim to make a difference.
Co-Founder at @gadgy • Worked at @groupon • Intern at @allen&Gledhill LLP. Former candidate at @McKinsey & Co. Studied at @mcgill-university
Co-Founder of Janbr. Worked at General Electric, Papillon Ribbon & Bow, C2MTl, Delon and Cory Vines. Part of various non profit organizations. People person.
I am settled in the Bay Area in the US, building cool stuff in car-sharing technologies with Local Motion. Also enjoys building mobile games on my spare time.
Founder Ocean energy • Studied at @mcgill-university
Background in Business Management, Finances and Internet Business. More than 10 years of experience in Marketing, Information Systems, Sales and High Management
Co Founder of Minuum, the tiny keyboard for big fingers.
Founder and CTO @hopper • Worked at @expedia, @newtrade
Software Engineer, Founder Dareeo, @fideli-t-marketing • Studied at @university-ecole-de-technologie-superieure
Entrepreneur, marketer, art enthusiast.
Business Co-Founder @dialoghq • Graduate studies @hec-montreal-1
Passionate business dev who love helping businesses grow FAST
10 years of experience in digital marketing. I founded 2 companies.
Tech lover / business lawyer / Co-founder of @gradsters
Founder DishGo • Studied at @concordia-university-montreal
Ph.D ECE @concordia-university-1
Author @packt-publishing-ltd , @Inkstall
Lecturer @ecole-de-technologie-superieure
Founder LaRitzy • Accounting Graduate at @concordia-university-1
Co-founded Gym Fuel. Studying Graduate Diploma in Business Administration in John Molson School of Business.
Co-Founder @ Stealth Startup
Co-Founder @RHCanada.
Everything real estate and marketing.
If you love building things, let's connect!
Founder @ Concerto Records • Works at @customer community moderator at the Avid Pro Audio Community, Worked at @bell-canada, @ctgc-now-tvso-community-television
Co-founder & CFO Potloc
Co-Founder at StudentSphere
Looking forward to change the world
Co-Founder Psykler, Founder of FunnelBoard, experienced general manager and inventor.