Meet 10 Team Lead View everyone

ID 618850

Philippe Gratton

Software Engineer, Founder Dareeo, @fideli-t-marketing • Studied at @university-ecole-de-technologie-superieure

ID 875996

Yaz Khoury

Co-Founder Terasofya • Studied at @concordia-university-montreal

ID 749826

Amy Lilien, MBA

Recent MBA with extensive management and sales experience looking for an opportunity with a growing firm.

ID 881471

Adi Bar-Lev

Founder NexStop Studio • Worked at @formlabs, @samsung-electronics • Studied at @technion-israel

ID 531002

Marco Sylvestre

Co-Founder at Venzee. Highly experienced Scrum Master and herder of cats. Agile coach & trainer to Fortune 500 companies.

ID 689170

Pier Luc Lafleur

Experienced developer looking for CTO/lead dev/technical manager positions

ID 939669

Pascal Gehl

ID 704151

Bruno Banicles

ID 604970

Francis Lacroix

Software Engineer

ID 1058833

Stanislav Furman

Master's degree in Computer and Information Technology with a solid knowledge in Web Development and over 12 years of experience (since 2000).

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