Meet 32 devops View everyone

ID 350687

Alfredo Rey

Disruptive work is the key to bringing out what human potential has to offer, I support and lead teams bring their version of the future into reality.

ID 930332

Jeremy Allard

Passionate about technologies.

ID 313652

Jean-Philippe Rivard Lauzier

ID 348959

Trevor Starick

Co-Founder/CTO - Zilyo. Student, Hacker, Entrepreneur,

ID 105930

Oshri Cohen

Full Stack Developer / Enterprise Architect

ID 42920

Niall Brown

Co-Founder/ VP of Product Development @empire-avenue Inc. steering product development as part of the executive committee and managing development team

ID 795037

Miklos Tusz

Back end developer at Kreate; Econ and CS minor; Craving more backend knowledge.

ID 700371

Jonathan Brodeur

Aerospace Engineer, Strong entreprenarial and management skills, Co-Founder of Empact Performance and Founder of OpenTek (

ID 833575

Sebastian Bulzak

Hands­-on CTO and startup team leader. Built innovative products from scratch to production. Stays on the cutting edge thru regular technology intelligence.

ID 575941

Philip Tolton

Founder DishGo • Studied at @concordia-university-montreal

ID 680765

Thibault Renouf

Local food system designer. Agriculture / Food Industry

ID 742787

Paul Daniel

M.Sc. Computer Science, founder of healthstored, published on Google Play store, 10 years IT experience, worldwide personal and professional experience

ID 860448

Hussain Mohammed

Tech/Business Analyst, Supplier Management, Global Operations Lead.

ID 129672

Ted Strauss

Researcher, coder, artist, founder. Ready to build great products as part of a passionate team. <3 data viz, audio, collaborations, micro econonomies.

ID 973191

Abolfazl Keighobadi

Data Mining / Business Intelligence at Dow Jones with strong SAAS skills in the entire design to delivery life cycle, looking for an IT/Management opportunity

ID 996553

sebastien de saint florent

ID 713084

Darren Smale

Senior Mobile Applications and Web Quality Assurance Tester

ID 918890

Pierre Vanacker

Accomplished executive with expertise in start-up, technology, leadership and strategy.

ID 983741

Julien Prugne

Developer /Osédea

ID 175299

Nicolas Cadou

Full stack software engineer, with a preference for devops and backend development, and a passion for automating all the things.

ID 1019942

Philippe David

Montreal based software engineer 

ID 1086419

Pierre POMES

Senior software and system architect

ID 1034745

Jesse Bourns

Operations & Special Projects at Ajah & PoweredbyData. Autodidact and problem solver that work on: UX/UI, design, biz dev, and project & product management.

ID 1006724

Chingis D

Full stack engineer

ID 843845

Charles-Antoine Giroux

Full Stack Web Developper

ID 864806

Thilaknath Ashok kumar

QA Automation Engineer, with proven experience in Consumer Industry

ID 651797

Marc Alloul

Able to quickly research, learn and implement new technologies, APIs, programming languages and open source tools. Former CTO and co founder of Wordlink.

ID 763891

Nicolas Plessis

System Administrator - DevOps

ID 706987

Ilan Alleson

ID 603719

Mehdi-Loup Nasom

Redesigned a few software interface for Cegedim, the world leader of CRM solutions for Life Sciences companies

ID 1070849

Elliot Gimple


ID 324536

Pior Bastida

//}) /* // var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //console.log('y = '+ y); if (jQuery(this).scrollTop() > 1200 ) { $('#promoBand').fadeIn(); } else { $('#promoBand').fadeOut(); } */ //do something special }, 11000);