Meet 13 Project Management View everyone

ID 1002068

Francesco-Mario Petrozza

Graduated from McGill University in 2012. Over two years of overseas experience. Worked as a project manager for local Chinese company. 

ID 1042114

Guillaume Leverdier

A highly motivated and results driven marketing professional with strong leadership, communication and problem solving skills.

ID 323138

Mathieu Laroussi


Founder @guarana • Studied at @nagoya-university, @open-university-london

ID 742787

Paul Daniel

M.Sc. Computer Science, founder of healthstored, published on Google Play store, 10 years IT experience, worldwide personal and professional experience

ID 638688

Thierry Tanguay

Young entrepreneur, I already have many experiances in the web marketing and commercialization.

ID 680772

Kevin Khoury

Worked @seedbox, @groupe-copley • Studied at @john-molson-school-of-business

ID 908459

Colin James Belyea

Marketing Strategist and Business Developer.  Relationship Focus and entrepreneurial flare 

ID 905752

Morgan Herrick

ID 452491

Jane Sorensen

Worked at @doubleclick, @actional-software • Studied International Business @mcgill-university • loves analog life and nature • Social enterprise/innovator

ID 666187

Marlee Silverstein

Happiness Concierge at @crew

ID 881516

Anselme Trochu

10 years of exp in the Internet. Establishment of 2 startups. Self-taught web-programmer since the age of 13 Graduated from an International business school

ID 914622

Alexander A.T. Rainville

A self-motivated, creative & experienced project management, client relations & digital marketing specialist with over 40 successful projects and clients.

ID 669039

Jonathan Brotto


Information Tech Evangelist.

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