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ID 316688


a young entrepreneur looking to launch multiple projects within the next 6 months

ID 209095

Corina Dransutavicius

Writer at MADSOFT Games, inc. Projects include the upcoming games Project: Velyria and MAMD2.

ID 345413

Paula M

Urban planning student at Concordia University; Multimedia artist with strong base in communication and creative thinking.

ID 677196

Emmanuel Amara

Entrepreneur, Writer and Film Director. I am a passionate content builder. My goal is to reinvent the relationship between contents and viewers.

ID 682610

Vanessa Butler

Writer, Project Manager & Social Media Maverick. Worked at & freelance in my down time when I'm not working as a Project Manager.

ID 515663

Alexander Bourque

BA Creative Writing and English Literature at Concordia (2014); Worked at Campbell Cohen Law Firm Inc.,Interfold Magazine, Weird Canada, and CBSA.

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