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ID 666187

Marlee Silverstein

Happiness Concierge at @crew

ID 692218

Hannah Maldoff

Years of experience as a ski and saiing coach, Office Coordinator at CloudRaker (2014), currently Product Manager and Head of Customer Support at MAKEACHAMP. 

ID 450308

Mark Schmidt

Support Engineer at @googleventures company @duo-security, former @barracuda-networks. Founder of B.Sci. Information Assurance

ID 957511

Max Alejandro Sanchez Luckert

Multilingual individual with a skills set heavy with operations, logistics, advertisement and relations. 

ID 532455

Jennifer Stein

Co-founder and COO of MUthins. Quick study. Self-motivated. Diplomatic. Looking for an industry-forward environment and start up to flourish and grow with.

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